Introduction to Intellectual Property Law
Project maintained by prahaladbelavadi
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patents, copyrights and trademarks , Trade secrests rughts to publucuty IP law theory
Patent law: what, where, rules, coverange, scope, infringement and traded offs
copyrights: Subject matter limits, inforingwment , fair use of DRM and policy
Trademarks: What where how scope infrignement and dilution ; fair use and usage on internet
Fututre of IP: legislatiev proposal, alternative scope for improvement
Why Ip law ?
- Governance
- Rapidexpansion in the past 20years
- greater amount of litigation
- Greater scope of law field
- Ability to know the laws; More patents to protect
- Involvement of supreme court in IP law
- Limited by Size; Protection
- rules aren’t primarily set in stone; impying that they have and can be changed and refined; Supreme court sets the rules.
- Knowing and understanding IP law means that you can help set the rules
- Type of Work: Type of work
- Acqui: Acquisition
- Std: Standard
- Val: Validity
- Use: Utility
- RegBody: Regulatory Body
- Estd: Estimated Time
Patents [Invention]
- Types of work:
Any new and useful process, machine manufactured or composition of matter; Inventions: tangible/intangible
- Standard:
- Novel(Unique)
- Non Obvious
- Utility(useful)
- Disclosure
- Acquisition:
By applying to the USPTO(US patent office) at Washington DC to be assigned to a patent examiner.
- Estimated Time:
Any where from 18 months to 5/6/7 years with constant clarification between examiner and applicant.
- Regulatory Body:
- Federal Jurisdiction
- 35 USC §§
- No State Jurisdiction
- Single Appellate System compared to Standard regional circuit
- Validity: 20 Years from the date of filing
- Excerpt:
Federal Immunity
Trade Marks [Distinctions]
- Types of work:
Distinctive marks on product or product appearance.
- Standard:
Consuming public should be able to identify the underlying source of product with trademark.
- Acquisition:
Must be federally registered and be used in interstate commerce to be eligible for federal protection.
- Regulatory Body:
- Federal Jurisdiction
- 15 USC §§
- Independent State enforcements
- Validity:
Trademarks can be perpetual or forever.
- Threat:
Trademarks can become generic.
- Case Study:
Aspirin went from a specific medicine to a whole genre of medicines.
Generalization implies that the general public is unable to recognize your underlying product due to wide usage.
- Excerpt:
Liability of losing trademark if consuming public ceases to identify the name with its source.
Copyrights [Creativity based content]
- Types of Work:
Any literary or artistic work (Creative)
- Standard:
- Originality
- Authorship:
Creative process of creation by Author.
- Must be Fixated in a tangible medium.
- Acquisition:
- Automatic:
Upon moment / instance of creation.
- Regulatory Body:
- 17 USC §§
- Exclusively Federal
- Validity:
- Life of Author + 70 years post death
In some cases:
- Life of Author + 95 years post death
- Life of Author + 120 years post death
- Excerpt:
To be eligible and covered under federal protection, the author must register with USPTO, Washington DC.
This is done by sending a copy of item to be copyrighted for copyright law to be enforced.
Trade secrets:
- Type of Work: Anything
- Standard: Secrecy or effort to protect
- Acquisition: Automatic
- Upon moment of creation
- No registration or disclosure required
- Regulatory Body:
- State Jurisdiction
- 44/50 States have relatively same or similar laws
- Validity:
- Potentially perpetual unless disclosed.
- Excerpt:
- Trade secrets are valid unless and until it no longer remains a secret.
- Not eligible for federal protection.
Rights to Publicity:
- Type of Work:
- Public reputation or social image
- Standard:
- Public must recognize you as a public figure
- Acquisition:
- Regulatory Body:
- Validity:
- Excerpt:
- Public must recognize you as a public figure
- Validity may continue post a person’s death until the public recognizes him/her.
Design Patents [Patents awarded to designs only]:
- Type of Work:
- Product design and design specific only
- Standard:
- Need to be novel (Unique)
- Disclosure
- Acquisition:
- By applying to the USPTO(US patent office) at Washington DC to be assigned to a patent examiner.
- Regulatory Body:
- Federal Law Jurisdiction
- 35 USC
- Validity:
- 14 years from the date of grant.
- Excerpt:
- Very much similar to an invention patent except for design only
- No Utility or Non Obvious clause that’s necessary in invention patents
Theory of Intellectual Property rights and Central Debate
- Why have Intellectual Property Rights ?
- Basic economics of IP
- Central Debate in IP
Why have Intellectual Property rights ?
- Natural Rights theory [France]
- Person hood theory
- Utilitarian Theory [USA]
USC Article 1Section clause 8
“To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;”
Utilitarian Basis of Intellectual Property:
Q> What does it mean ?
A> Intellectual Property is a grant to exclude others from the scope of the right allotted.
- Intellectual Property is functionalist:
- A means to an End.
- Pro invention and Pro discovery
- Influence on Free Market:
Intellectual Property rights interfere with the free market that needs to be justified functionally.
Public Goods [Negate Intellectual Property Characteristics]:
- Non rival:
- Any body can view / look or use the idea
- Non limited Tangibility
- Non exclusion principle:
- Idea or utility cannot be excluded from being used or implemented.
Intellectual Property law is a marginal change in the incentive structure
The goal of the government intervention is biased against inventions and discoveries becoming public goods while fostering competition and regulate(exclusion of specify goods) accordingly.
- Protecting trademarks protects investments and goodwill.
- Goodwill is indicated by positive feelings to underlying source of logos or images.
- Investments go into creating brand awareness.
- Investments are made into establishing Goodwill:
- Reduces Search cost for consumer
- increases efficiency in marketplace
- Investment in product goodwill enforces investments to improve product quality
Alternative Scenario:
If no incentive was provided to build bran awareness, anybody could impersonate one and other creating a market of low quality goods and services.
Misrepresentation would cause a flood of cheap and low quality goods and services which would be detrimental to the society as a whole.
Incentive structure
[Protecting Trademarks -> Companies protect their goodwill -> Invest in Goodwill -> invest in building higher quality goods -> lower search costs]
Macro economic Principle
- IP rights allow Supra Marginal economic returns
- Competitive Markets vs Non-Competitive Markets
Competitive Market: |
Prices Approach Marginal costs |
Non Competitive Market: |
Prices Rise above Marginal costs |
- IP rights are not monopolies.
- Price vs Quantity
- Difference between competitive equilibrium to (Monopolistic equilibrium to maximize profits)
- IP rights cater in-between monopoly & competitive equilibrium.
- Dead Weight Loss:
The gap between monopolistic or IP rights equilibrium to competitive equilibrium.
Intellectual Property Cost:
- Monopolization cost: Price difference vs. utility
- Rent seeking
- Racing
- Patent trolls
- Restriction of future innovation
- Significant administrative costs
- Significant legislative costs
- Dead weight societal loss
Q: Are benefits greater than the incurred costs?
Components of Patent
Architecture of patent system
- Administrative Agency (PTO)
- The patent document
- Private Enforcement system (Litigation)
Administrative Agency (US Patent Office):
Evaluates applications for compliance with standards of patentability ### The patent document:
Establishes boundaries of protection & claims
- requires disclosure ### Litigation:
Market component determines reward & compensation.
- Involves full review of PTO grant of rights
- Could result in the patent owner losing his rights & patent; High risk ### Patent Document:
- Front page: To present to the user, reviewer as much of the critical information as possible in a concise & precise manner.
- All US patents are downloadable from USPTO
- Key components: (on front page)
Must Haves:
- Title
- Serial Number
- Date (prior art & priority) Validity
- Issue date ( to become prior art for others)
- Inventor name & Assignee (ownership)
- Contact information of owner
- Technology fields for classification
- Citations for references
- Prior Art
- Abstract (description of invention by inventor)
- Must include diagrams of products to deposit flow.
If software, flow charts are essential
- Specification:
Inclusion of every thing on background of technology, problem & solution offered by the technology patent; Detailed description; Use cases or production thoughts of inventor.
- Must be explicit to claim what does and does not fall under the scope of invention
- Claim does not need to explain how to create/ make/ use the invention.
- The incentive for inventor to use vague language is to broaden the scope of claim during litigation.
- There ought to be a balance between broad & narrow patent claims to be open to scope but lesser so to meet standards and not to be dismissed (declared invalid)
- Watch vagueness mustn’t increase search cost.
The life of a patent
Life cycle
Invention → Application → (Prosecution) → Patent Issue → (Enforcement 20yrs) → Expiration
- Prosecution:
- Ex parte administrative process
- Private/ Secret (for 18 months normally)
- Procedures allow for “continuing” applications.
- 2 stage appeals:
- Board Patent Appeals & Interferences (Internal)
- Federal Court & Federal circuit (Externally)
- Re - examination
- Enforcement:
- A judicial litigation process in Federal courts
- Courts are empowered to review the validity of patents
- Patents enjoy a statutory “presumption of validity” [valid until proven otherwise]
- Declaration judgement action(s) aren’t uncommon [suing patent owner for a declaration that client does not infringe that patent] (Lawsuit in reverse)
- Statistics:
- More than 1% of all patents are litigated
- More than 5% of all patents are licensed
- Cost of litigation : 2M to lesser than 4.5M
- Average expected value of a patent is lesser than 0$
- Value of patent is decided by Market response